
Themes by lexingtonthemes

Alfred screenshot

A cool and clean theme for your saas, designed for those who appreciate modern elements and beautiful websites. Alfred i...

Aubergine screenshot

A dark and cool landing page for your productized service. The template is versatile and can be applied to various types...

Author screenshot

The ultimate blog template for anyone looking to own a stunning and fully-functional blog website. Developed using super...

Brightlight UI Kit screenshot

Brightlight UI kit boasts an exquisite design that empowers you to efficiently create pages across diverse categories an...

Buio UI Kit screenshot

Buio is a beatifully design UI Kit that allows you to put togheter pages from different categories and customize them to...

Carbon screenshot

A super modern and cool theme for directory project. For those who want to have a modern, dark and badass theme. Carbon ...

Carriera screenshot

A minimal and dark theme for your job board platform. Carriera is made up of modern and fully customizable elements and ...

Dusk screenshot



The minimal productise studio or agency theme. For those who want to have a nice, minimal and elegant studio. Dusk is ma...

Enlightr screenshot

The superfun e-learning platform theme around. For those who want to have a modern and dark theme. enlightr is made up o...

Flabbergasted UI Kit screenshot

The Neo-brutalist theme on Lexington is designed for those who want to set themselves apart from the crowd. With its uni...

Flaco screenshot

A dark and cool portfolio site. The template is versatile and can be applied to various types of portoflios.

Hemingway screenshot

Hemingway is a fully blown blog template made with Astro and Tailwind CSS.

Hirewise screenshot

The job board theme. For those who want to own a clean, modern and striagh tot he point platoform and help people find t...

Kotei screenshot

An elegant and minimal theme for your agency. For those who want to have a modern, clean and stylish. Kotei is made up o...

Lexington Themes Bundle - 29 Tailwind Templates screenshot

29 Beautifully designed and coded templates for Astro and Tailwind CSS.

Navy screenshot



Elegant dark mode UI kit with 100+ sections, 40+ pages, MDX, Astro & Tailwind CSS. The most elegant theme on Lexington, ...

Outkast screenshot

A cool studio or agency theme. For those who want to have a modern theme. Outkast is made up of clean and fully customiz...

Phanatik screenshot

Phanatik is a simple and clean template for your blog or personal website

Prima Persona screenshot

A stunning template for your blog, personal website or store in ligth and dark mode.

ProFolioX screenshot

ProFolioX is a website template crafted for developers and designers who code. It's built with TailwindCSS and AstroJS. ...

Quartiere screenshot

A real estate website template designed for real estate agencies businesses, offering a modern, clean, elegant and intui...

Riflesso screenshot

The elegant and minimal agency theme. For those who want to have a modern, dark and badass studio. riflesso is made up o...

Semplice screenshot

Semplice boasts an exquisite design that empowers you to efficiently create pages across diverse categories and customiz...

Simplexity screenshot

The ultimate blog template for anyone looking to own a clean, elegant and fully-functional blog website that supports da...

Snowpeak UI Kit screenshot

Snowpeak UI kit boasts an exquisite design that empowers you to efficiently create pages across diverse categories and c...

Spaziobianco screenshot

The techy theme on Lexington, designed for those who wants and need to display code blocks and modern layouts, sleek ele...

Streamer screenshot

This is an excellent way to begin your podcasting journey - a visually impressive and engaging hub that serves as the fo...

Studiomax screenshot

Studiomax is a studio or agency theme. For those who want to have like the neon-soaked nostalgia of the 80s. StudioMAx i...

Superstore screenshot

The cool ecommerce theme. For those who want to have a modern, minimal site. Super Store is made up of clean and fully c...

Vanta screenshot

The sleekest e-learning platform theme around. For those who want to have a modern and dark theme. Vanta is made up of c...

Williamsburg screenshot

A modern and elegant ecommerce theme. Williamsburg is made up of clean and fully customizable elements and layouts, enab...

Windstatic screenshot

A set of 161 elements & layouts made with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.