Tailwind drizzle-orm

Spartan screenshot

Cutting-edge tools powering Angular full-stack development.

One Stop Shop Ecommerce Starter screenshot

Online marketplace built using Nextjs 13 App Router with server components, server actions, parallel and intercepting routes as well as Drizzle ORM.

B2b Saaskit screenshot

B2B SaaS Starter Kit - create a B2B web app: quickly and for free

Relivator screenshot

Next.js 14: Store, Landing, Admin Dashboard ▲ i18n, Stripe, Shadcn Tailwind, Drizzle Zod Trpc TypeScript Auth Page, Lucide CSS Radix UI, Responsive React Server Components, MySQL and Neon Postgre TS ORM, Intl App Router, Mdx Docs User Actions Kit, SaaS Commerce Shop Pricing Payments, Dark Mode, M...

Nextjs Billing screenshot

Next.js billing app with Lemon Squeezy

Shadcn Table screenshot

Shadcn table component with server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination.

Giga Stack Next.js Starter screenshot

Experimental edge stack full of sweet and fancy features for you to play with

default image

A Next.js 13 application with authentication and payments, built with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Lucia, Tailwind and LemonSqueezy

default image

NextJS 13 Starter Kit for Planetscale & DrizzleORM

Next Kickstart screenshot

Next.js 14 kickstarter. Zero setup & edge ready. Take what you need: ESLint, Prettier, Tailwind, tRPC, WebSockets, Drizzle, Lucia Auth, Vitest, Testing Library, Playwright, PWA, Docker, CI, Bun

Next Kickstart screenshot

Next.js 14 kickstarter. Zero setup & edge ready. Take what you need: ESLint, Prettier, Tailwind, tRPC, WebSockets, Drizzle, Lucia Auth, Vitest, Testing Library, Playwright, PWA, Docker, CI, Bun

Elysia Kickstart screenshot

ElysiaJS boilerplate with HTMX, Tailwind, Auth.js, Drizzle, CI. Deploy in one click to Railway or Vercel Edge Functions. (will be updated on Elysia 1.0 release)

Sergiodxa.com screenshot

The code behind sergiodxa.com

Web Boilerplate screenshot

Boilerplate with NextJS, RSC, Clerk, Turso, Drizzle and much more things.

Reliverse screenshot

Incremental Turborepo Starter and CMS ▲ Next.js 13, Tauri Apps UI, Solito Expo ▲ i18n, Stripe, Shadcn, Tailwind, Drizzle Zod Trpc, TypeScript, Auth, Lucide CSS Radix UI, Responsive React Server, TS ORM, Intl App Router Docs, User Actions Kit, SaaS Commerce Shop, Subscriptions Payments, T3 Turbo F...

Nuxt3 Saas Starter screenshot

Nuxt3 Opinionated SaaS Template (WIP)

Lecoindujazz screenshot

Le Coin Du Jazz online ticket sales

Pokemon screenshot

A Next.js 13 application built using the new router, server components and server actions, as well as NextAuth.js, Drizzle ORM and Turso in an Nx monorepo

SvelteKit Drizzle screenshot

Contains : SvelteKit + Drizzle ORM - Supabase

Atash screenshot



A template to build full-stack Remix applications!

Sveltekit Cloudflarepages Fullstack screenshot

sveltekit fullstack api crud + pages + worker + D1(with drizzle orm) + (supabase-postgres+ drizzle) + (neon-postgres+ drizzle) + kv crud + R2+ remote-proxy

Blog Nuxt screenshot

Nuxt 3 Personal Blog

Sveltekit Lucia Shadcn screenshot

SvelteKit + Drizzle ORM + Shadcn + Lucia - simple auth setup - Sign Up - Login Home Page

Limetta screenshot

Elevate your financial management with Limetta. Our user-friendly Next.js app simplifies expense tracking, offers multiple account management, easy money transfers, and efficient dues tracking.

Kit Stack screenshot

A svelte fullstack starter kit inspired by create-t3-app with variuos added bonuses

default image

️ The "qwikest" delightful, overpowered, beautifully handcrafted full-stack web framework template, built on top of Qwik, seasoned with modern tools. ( The server might be on sleep mode, give it a few seconds to load, ty )

Sveltekit Byob Slim screenshot

A slim version of the SvelteKit BYOB template more suited to how I like to do things