Tailwind fullstack

Nextbase Pro screenshot

️Nextbase is a powerful Next.js Supabase SaaS starter kit. Start your SaaS with authentication, payments, organizations,...

Makerkit screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. Nextjs, Supabase, Tailwind+. Auth, Multi-Tenancy, Stripe, Blogging, Docs and Marke...

Vercel Official - SaaS Subscription Boilerplate screenshot

Clone, deploy, and fully customize a SaaS subscription application with Next.js.

Nextbase Lite screenshot

🚀⚡️ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. 🚀 Next.js 🔥 Supabase...

Vercel Official - Postgres Auth Starter screenshot

Next.js + Tailwind + Typescript + Drizzle + NextAuth + PostgreSQL starter template.

Taxonomy screenshot

An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13.

Next Supabase Stripe Starter screenshot

The highest quality SaaS starter with Next.js, Supabase, Stripe, and shadcn/ui

Saasrock - Remix Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

️The SaaS Boilerplate to build your MVP with +25 built-in SaaS features: Auth, Admin portal, App dashboard, Stripe Subsc...

Larafast - Laravel SaaS Boilerplate screenshot

The Laravel SaaS Boilerplate powered with Jetstream, Tailwind, Inertia.js and Vue with ready-to-go components for Paymen...

Boilercode.co screenshot

A SaaS boilerplate built on Nextjs, NextAuth & Tailwind.

SaaS BaseKit screenshot

Full-stack and Production-Ready SaaS Boilerplate and Starter Kit for Next.js/React.

DirectoryKit screenshot

A Next.js directory template. Build a directory website fast. Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, Prisma, Stripe

Boilerbay - The Next.Js SaaS Bundle screenshot

A bundle of Next.js landing pages & fullstack boilerplate. Next.js, Tailwind, Prisma and many more features.

Divjoy React Boilerplate Generator screenshot

Customize and generate a full-stack React boilerplate. React, Nextjs, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Firebase, Supabase and many m...

Shipixen screenshot

A hyrbid Next.js boilerplate + site generator. Uses Tailwind, Shadcn UI, MDX and Contentlayer.

Shipped.club - Next.js Boilerplate screenshot

The Next.js boilerplate for busy founders, with all you need to build and launch your startup.

Supastarter - Next.js + Prisma SaaS boilerplate screenshot

A premium SaaS fullstack starter. Next 14 (app router), lucia-auth, Prisma, trpc, next-intl, multiple payment integratio...

Supastarter - Nuxt + Prisma SaaS boilerplate screenshot

A premium SaaS fullstack starter for Nuxt, lucia-auth, Prisma, trpc, nuxt/i18n, multiple payment integrations (lemonsque...

SaaS Pegasus screenshot

You want to get your project off the ground, but you're stuck on all the boring parts. Pegasus handles the foundation of...

Supaboost screenshot

All-in-One Supabase, NextJS & Typescript SaaS starter template. Auth & Authorization from Supabase with custom Roles. Se...

Business Class Ruby On Rails Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A full-stack SaaS boilerplate built on Ruby On Rails with Postgres, Tailwind and Stripe. SEO-optimized blog, and built-i...

Critical Moments SvelteKit SaasStarter screenshot

A modern SaaS template built in SvelteKit. Includes marketing page, blog, subscriptions, auth, user settings, pricing pa...

Create T3 App screenshot

The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app

Launchstack screenshot

A fullstack SaaS application boilerplate built with Laravel, Vue and Tailwind CSS. This SaaS app provides a complete web...

Precedent screenshot

A full stack starter for Nextjs with Auth.js and Prisma CMS. An opinionated collection of components, hooks, and utiliti...

Ai Fusion Kit screenshot

A feature-rich, highly customizable AI Web App Template, empowered by Next.js.

Azon Shop screenshot

E-Commerce website with Prisma PlanetScale db, optimistic updates with React Query, rating system, persistent cart, al...

B R.io screenshot

B R.io


My personal website made with Next.js, Tailwind, MDX, Radix Primitives, Framer Motion, all on Vercel.

B2b Saaskit screenshot

B2B SaaS Starter Kit - create a B2B web app: quickly and for free

Basejump screenshot

Easily add auth, teams and billing to your Supabase app

Basetool screenshot

Open-source internal tool framework. 💪 Empower your team and collaborators to view and manage the data you already own...

Blog screenshot



🚀 My personal blog made with Tailwind CSS and NextJS. Template from Timlrx. Feel free to fork, follow and use.

Blues Stack screenshot

The Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with PostgreSQL, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.

Carbon screenshot



Carbon is a high-performance, open-source, single tenant (incomplete) ERP written in Typescript. It allows customers, su...

Cascade screenshot

Best open-source SaaS boilerplate. Free, powerful & extendable.

Chadnext screenshot

ChadNext - Quick Starter Template for your Next project includes Next.js 14 App router, Shadcn UI, LuciaAuth, Prisma, Se...

default image

Chatbot starter with GPT3, Twilio, and React

Codox screenshot



A starter template for modern web development with nextjs 14 (app route), tailwindcss, typescript, trpc, clerk auth, and...

Create Expo Stack screenshot

CLI tool to initialize a React Native application with Expo. Provides options to include Typescript, file-based routing ...

Dashactyl screenshot

A client area/dashboard for the Pterodactyl Game Panel

Enceladus 1 screenshot

A project built to show off the SvelteKit + Supabase stack by building a DallE wrapper

Epic Stack screenshot

This is a Full Stack app starter with the foundational things setup and configured for you to hit the ground running on ...

Fiber Boilerplate screenshot

This is the go boilerplate on the top of fiber web framework. With simple setup you can use many features out of the box

Firestarta screenshot

Next.js SaaS boilerplate with NextAuth, Prisma, Supabase, Shadcn/ui & Lemon Squeezy Subscriptions

Freespeech screenshot

A free program designed to help the non-verbal.

Fullstack Next Template screenshot

Fullstack TypeScript Next.js Boilerplate with modular architecture with full customization.

Giga Stack Next.js Starter screenshot

Experimental edge stack full of sweet and fancy features for you to play with

Indie Stack screenshot

The Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with SQLite, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.

Jetpack screenshot

Nextjs 14 starter preconfigured with Bun, Shadcn-ui (TailwindCss), Typescript, Supabase, Drizzle, Docker, Husky and more...

Jira Clone screenshot

A Jira frontend clone application made with React and Typescript

Kara Shop screenshot

KARA - Ecommerce built with T3 Stack : NextJS, TypeScript, tRPC, Prisma, NextAuth and styled with Tailwind CSS

Kelas.rumahberbagi.com screenshot

Kelas Rumah Berbagi

Kentcdodds.com screenshot

My personal website

Leohuynh.dev screenshot

My 🏠 on the ☁️. Portfolio, showcases, snippets, dev logs, and ideas

Magicui screenshot

UI Library for Design Engineers. Animated components and effects you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Sourc...

Makerkit Next.js + firebase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Next.js + firebase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, S...

Makerkit Next.js + Supabase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Next.js + Supabase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, S...

Makerkit Remix + firebase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Remix + firebase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, Str...

Makerkit Remix + Supabase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Remix + Supabase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, Str...

Micro Scale screenshot

Use this open-source image upscaling web app template for your Next.js project. Powered by Replicate AI.

Modern Saas screenshot

Source code for Modern SaaS Apps with SvelteKit, Stripe, & Supabase

Nest Vue screenshot

Nx monorepo starter: dockerized NestJS backend, Vue frontend, and NGINX; data via Prisma / TypeORM + GraphQL; Jest + Cyp...

Next 14 Saas Boilerplate screenshot

Professional boilerplate to develop SaaS in a weekend with a powerful and scalable stack. - Next 14 - Clerk - Tailwind C...

Next App Starter screenshot

Another awesome starter for your app base on nextjs + tailwind + react-query + zod + react-hook-form + next-auth + jota...