Tailwind nextjs

Mosaic screenshot

The All-in-one Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template. The all-in-one admin dashboard template for creating stunning and ...

Cruip Bundle - 22 Tailwind Templates screenshot

22 beautiful Tailwind CSS templates available for Nextjs, React, Vue & HTML. An amazing collection of work at an very co...

Shadcn UI screenshot

Popular component library built with Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. Shadcn UI is a collection of components that you can cop...

Nextbase Pro screenshot

️Nextbase is a powerful Next.js Supabase SaaS starter kit. Start your SaaS with authentication, payments, organizations,...

Shadcn Blocks screenshot

Official collection of blocks built on shadcn-ui. Blocks are larger ready-made components like dashboards, signup pages,...

Makerkit screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. Nextjs, Supabase, Tailwind+. Auth, Multi-Tenancy, Stripe, Blogging, Docs and Marke...

Vercel Official - SaaS Subscription Boilerplate screenshot

Clone, deploy, and fully customize a SaaS subscription application with Next.js.

Nextbase Lite screenshot

🚀⚡️ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. 🚀 Next.js 🔥 Supabase...

Vercel Official - Postgres Auth Starter screenshot

Next.js + Tailwind + Typescript + Drizzle + NextAuth + PostgreSQL starter template.

Taxonomy screenshot

An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13.

Next Supabase Stripe Starter screenshot

The highest quality SaaS starter with Next.js, Supabase, Stripe, and shadcn/ui

Boilercode.co screenshot

A SaaS boilerplate built on Nextjs, NextAuth & Tailwind.

SaaS BaseKit screenshot

Full-stack and Production-Ready SaaS Boilerplate and Starter Kit for Next.js/React.

DirectoryKit screenshot

A Next.js directory template. Build a directory website fast. Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, Prisma, Stripe

Boilerbay - The Next.Js SaaS Bundle screenshot

A bundle of Next.js landing pages & fullstack boilerplate. Next.js, Tailwind, Prisma and many more features.

Divjoy React Boilerplate Generator screenshot

Customize and generate a full-stack React boilerplate. React, Nextjs, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Firebase, Supabase and many m...

Shipixen screenshot

A hyrbid Next.js boilerplate + site generator. Uses Tailwind, Shadcn UI, MDX and Contentlayer.

Shipped.club - Next.js Boilerplate screenshot

The Next.js boilerplate for busy founders, with all you need to build and launch your startup.

Supastarter - Next.js + Prisma SaaS boilerplate screenshot

A premium SaaS fullstack starter. Next 14 (app router), lucia-auth, Prisma, trpc, next-intl, multiple payment integratio...

Supaboost screenshot

All-in-One Supabase, NextJS & Typescript SaaS starter template. Auth & Authorization from Supabase with custom Roles. Se...

Create T3 App screenshot

The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app

Precedent screenshot

A full stack starter for Nextjs with Auth.js and Prisma CMS. An opinionated collection of components, hooks, and utiliti...

Ts Nextjs Tailwind Starter screenshot

🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features

W3T Stablo Nextjs Blog screenshot

Stablo is a minimal blog website template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity CMS

W3T Sandocs screenshot

Sandocs is Documentation Website Template Built with Next.js & Sanity CMS. Included with an NPM Plugin Landing Page.

Next Shadcn Dashboard Starter screenshot

Admin Dashboard Starter with Nextjs14 and shadcn ui

Simple screenshot

A clean and simple website template for displaying any app or idea.

Neon screenshot



Shine a spotlight on your next startup idea with this elegant landing page template.

Open PRO screenshot

A dark SaaS website template to show off your startup or software. Built with Tailwind and available in Nextjs, React, V...

Tidy screenshot



A dark & white website template designed for showcasing mobile apps.

Creative screenshot

The perfect landing page template for launching communities and creative sites.

Community screenshot

A beautiful forum template fit for any community and tech news portal.

Tidy screenshot



An elegant website template to show off your company's corporate side.

FinTech screenshot

A stylish landing page perfect for showcasing modern apps and services.

Hyperui screenshot

Free Tailwind CSS components for application UI, ecommerce and marketing with support for dark mode, RTL and Alpine JS...

Podcast screenshot

A fabulous podcast website template for hosting and sharing your shows.

Cube screenshot



A fabulous landing page template for quickly iterating on ideas, startups and software.

Docs screenshot



Create comprehensive product docs with this handy documentation template.

DevSpace screenshot

A gorgeous personal blog template to share your thoughts and ideas.

JobBoard screenshot

A modern and clean job board template built with Tailwind. Available in Nextjs, React, Vue & HTML versions.

Saas UI Pro screenshot

An advanced component library built with React & Chakra UI.

Alt screenshot



A modern and minimal creative agency template. Built using Tailwind CSS and available in both HTML and Nextjs versions. ...

Astrolus Pro screenshot

Modern single page template built with Tailwind CSS. Available in HTML, Astro, Nuxt and Nextjs versions.

W3T Jobhire screenshot

Jobhire is a job board and hiring platform website template built with Next.js & Tailwind CSS.

W3T Stablo Astro Blog screenshot

Stablo is a minimal blog website template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity CMS

W3T Greenhome screenshot

Greenhome is a premium Next.js website template for real estate businesses & property dealers. It's built with Next.js &...

Talent screenshot

A stunning website template suitable for SaaS apps, recruiting networks, and more.

Commerce screenshot

Next.js Commerce

Actify screenshot



🌻React Tailwind CSS Material Design 3 Components Library

Admin One React Tailwind screenshot

Free React Next Tailwind 3.x admin dashboard template with typescript and dark mode.

Aether Design System screenshot

🔆 Aether serves as the building block for some of my team projects.

Agency Template screenshot

This repo is a NextJS, Tailwind, React template for agencies. Free. Open Source. Use this template to build your agency ...

Agilitycms Nextjs Starter screenshot

A sample Next.js starter site that uses Agility CMS and aims to be a foundation for building incredible websites using N...

Ai Fusion Kit screenshot

A feature-rich, highly customizable AI Web App Template, empowered by Next.js.

Amazon Starter Template Nextjs screenshot

This is the Official Starter template for the AMAZON 5 Day challenge (The SECRET Challenge!) - Next.js | React.js | Tail...

Awesome Github Readme Generator screenshot

You can easily and quickly create a readme file for your github profile or git hub repository. (visit below) (Click the ...

Awesome Nextjs screenshot

A curated list of awesome Nextjs-based libraries that help build small and large-scale applications with next.js.

Azon Shop screenshot

E-Commerce website with Prisma PlanetScale db, optimistic updates with React Query, rating system, persistent cart, al...

B R.io screenshot

B R.io


My personal website made with Next.js, Tailwind, MDX, Radix Primitives, Framer Motion, all on Vercel.

Basejump screenshot

Easily add auth, teams and billing to your Supabase app

Basetool screenshot

Open-source internal tool framework. 💪 Empower your team and collaborators to view and manage the data you already own...

Binarystarter Angular screenshot

Angular Full Stack Boilerplate Starter with PayloadCMS, Nx and Express. Free Open-Source Web App Boilerplate.

Bits 0f C0de screenshot

Personal Blog site build with Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

Blog screenshot



👨‍💻 Dev blog built with Next.js 13, TypeScript, and Contentlayer, using latest Next.js features