Tailwind sanity

SaaS BaseKit screenshot

Full-stack and Production-Ready SaaS Boilerplate and Starter Kit for Next.js/React.

W3T Sandocs screenshot

Sandocs is Documentation Website Template Built with Next.js & Sanity CMS. Included with an NPM Plugin Landing Page.

W3T Stablo screenshot

Stablo is a minimal blog website template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity CMS

HULL screenshot



💀 Headless Shopify Starter – powered by Next.js + Sanity.io

Template Nextjs Personal Website screenshot

A Next.js Personal Website with a Native Authoring Experience

Commercelayer Sanity Template screenshot

A multi-country ecommerce template built with Commerce Layer, Next.js, Sanity studio, and deployed to Netlify.

Sanity Remix Template screenshot

Sanity Studio v3 embedded into a Remix Vite application configured for Vercel hosting with visual editing

Sanity Template Nextjs Clean screenshot

A clean Next.js template with a native authoring experience

Victoreke.com screenshot

My personal portfolio website built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Sanity.

Nextjs Sanity Template screenshot

Starter Sanity + Next.js

Nextjs Commerce Tutorial screenshot

A Simple but powerful Ecommerce Store built with Nextjs.14

default image

Twitter 2.0 with REACT.JS! (Next.js, Sanity CMS, Typescript, SSR, Tailwind, GoogleAuth, Dark Mode & Light Mode & Twitter Profile)

Fluid screenshot



Fluid let's you easily build Shopify Hydrogen headless storefronts by organizing your content with Sanity.

Openai Nextjs Starter screenshot

OpenAI and Next.js starter kit, built to assist innovators in developing AI-based SaaS applications. This OpenAI starter kit and boilerplate includes pre-configurations, OpenAI examples, integrations, key components, business pages, and features to help you launch your AI startup quickly.

Portfolio Blog screenshot

This is a Next.js personal portfolio/blog site where a site owner can showcase their work and experiences.