Tailwind shadcn-ui

Shadcn UI screenshot

Popular component library built with Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. Shadcn UI is a collection of components that you can cop...

Nextbase Pro screenshot

️Nextbase is a powerful Next.js Supabase SaaS starter kit. Start your SaaS with authentication, payments, organizations,...

Shadcn Blocks screenshot

Official collection of blocks built on shadcn-ui. Blocks are larger ready-made components like dashboards, signup pages,...

Makerkit screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. Nextjs, Supabase, Tailwind+. Auth, Multi-Tenancy, Stripe, Blogging, Docs and Marke...

Saasrock - Remix Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

️The SaaS Boilerplate to build your MVP with +25 built-in SaaS features: Auth, Admin portal, App dashboard, Stripe Subsc...

Shipixen screenshot

A hyrbid Next.js boilerplate + site generator. Uses Tailwind, Shadcn UI, MDX and Contentlayer.

Supaboost screenshot

All-in-One Supabase, NextJS & Typescript SaaS starter template. Auth & Authorization from Supabase with custom Roles. Se...

Ai Fusion Kit screenshot

A feature-rich, highly customizable AI Web App Template, empowered by Next.js.

Astro Nomy screenshot

Differents pages and examples apps built with Astro v4.5, shadcn/ui & react js. Open Source.

Astro Shadcn Ui Template screenshot

This template helps you build apps with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn UI.

Auto Form screenshot

🌟 A React component that automatically creates a @shadcn/ui form based on a zod schema.

Basejump screenshot

Easily add auth, teams and billing to your Supabase app

Chadnext screenshot

ChadNext - Quick Starter Template for your Next project includes Next.js 14 App router, Shadcn UI, LuciaAuth, Prisma, Se...

Codox screenshot



A starter template for modern web development with nextjs 14 (app route), tailwindcss, typescript, trpc, clerk auth, and...

Credenza screenshot

Ready-made responsive modal component for shadcn/ui.

Cult Ui screenshot

Components crafted for Design Engineers. Styled using Tailwind CSS, fully compatible with Shadcn, and easy to integrate—...

Date Range Picker For Shadcn screenshot

DateRangePicker is a reusable component for shadcn using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. Includes preset date ranges, text en...

Digital Garden screenshot

An open source blog (digital garden) template for developers

Easyreadme screenshot

Easyreadme helps you simplify README creation and generate visually stunning ones with the help of AI and elegant pre-de...

Enhanced Button screenshot

An enhanced version of the default shadcn-button component

Firestarta screenshot

Next.js SaaS boilerplate with NextAuth, Prisma, Supabase, Shadcn/ui & Lemon Squeezy Subscriptions

Fluid screenshot



Fluid let's you easily build Shopify Hydrogen headless storefronts by organizing your content with Sanity.

Franken Ui screenshot

Franken UI is an HTML-first, open-source library of UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS with UIkit 3 c...

Gradient Picker screenshot

Fancy Gradient Picker built with Shadcn UI, Radix UI and Tailwind CSS.

Jetpack screenshot

Nextjs 14 starter preconfigured with Bun, Shadcn-ui (TailwindCss), Typescript, Supabase, Drizzle, Docker, Husky and more...

Jolly Ui screenshot

shadcn/ui compatible react aria components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open So...

Kaminari screenshot

Next.js project starter. Configured with tailwindcss and shadcn-ui

Magicui screenshot

UI Library for Design Engineers. Animated components and effects you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Sourc...

Makerkit Next.js + firebase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Next.js + firebase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, S...

Makerkit Next.js + Supabase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Next.js + Supabase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, S...

Makerkit Remix + firebase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Remix + firebase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, Str...

Makerkit Remix + Supabase Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. This version ships with Remix + Supabase. Tailwind, Typescript, Multi-Tenancy, Str...

default image

Next.js Starter Template for building chatbots with Mendable

Micro Scale screenshot

Use this open-source image upscaling web app template for your Next.js project. Powered by Replicate AI.

Nativecn Ui screenshot

Beautiful and customizable React Native components

Next Entree screenshot

Next.js 14+ starter template with app router, shadcn/ui, typesafe env, icons, and configs setup.

Next Mobbin Clone screenshot

Replicate the design of mobbin.com to test the news components of shadcn-ui. #builtinpublic

Next Prisma Tailwind Ecommerce screenshot

✨ Open-Source Full-stack E-Commerce Storefront with Admin Panel. Built with Typescript, Next.js 13 App Dir, Tailwind CSS...

Next Prisma Tailwind Ecommerce screenshot

✨ Open-Source Full-stack E-Commerce Storefront with Admin Panel. Built with Typescript, Next.js 13 App Dir, Tailwind CSS...

Next Projects screenshot

6 projects to understand Next.js core concepts, using MongoDB, Firebase and NextAuth.js.

Next Saas Stripe Starter screenshot

An open-source SaaS Starter built using Next.js 14, Prisma, Neon, Auth.js v5, Resend, React Email, Shadcn/ui, Stripe and...

Next Shadcn Landing screenshot

Easy to setup. Customizable. Quick. Responsive.

Onur.dev screenshot

✦ My personal website built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, Contentful, Raindrop, Supabase and deployed on Verce...

Page Ui screenshot

📃 Landing page UI components for React & Next.js, built on top of TailwindCSS

Pricing Page Shadcn screenshot

Pricing Page template made with Shadcn UI & Next.js 14. Completely customizable

Rapidlaunch screenshot

The Next.js SaaS Starterkit built using Shadcn ui, Nextjs 14, DrizzleORM and more

React Starter screenshot

Full-featured typescript starter for React application

Relivator Nextjs Starter screenshot

Next.js 14 Store, Landing, Admin, Dashboard ▲ i18n Stripe Shadcn Tailwind Drizzle Zod Trpc TypeScript Clerk NexAuth, Luc...

Relivator Nextjs Starter screenshot

Next.js 14 Store, Landing, Admin, Dashboard ▲ i18n Stripe Shadcn Tailwind Drizzle Zod Trpc TypeScript Clerk NexAuth, Luc...

Relivator Nextjs Template screenshot

⭐ Next.js 14: Store, Landing, Admin Dashboard ▲ i18n, Stripe, Shadcn Tailwind, Drizzle Zod Trpc TypeScript Auth Page, Lu...

Reliverse Website Builder screenshot

Reliverse is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to bootstrap popular React templates, like Relivator with Next...

Reliverse Website Builder screenshot

Reliverse is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to bootstrap popular React templates, like Relivator with Next...

SaaS Boilerplate screenshot

🚀🎉📚 SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript. ⚡️ Full-stack React application with...

Saasfly screenshot

Your Next SaaS Template or Boilerplate ! A magic trip start with `bun create saasfly` . The more stars, the more surpris...

Scribbly screenshot

Scribbly is a web application built with Next.js and Prisma that allows users to create and manage their digital journal...

Shadcn Admin screenshot

Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite.

Shadcn Charts screenshot

Shadcn UI official chart library built with Recharts. Copy / Paste component library.

Shadcn Chat screenshot

Customizable and re-usable chat component for you to use in your projects. Built on top of shadcn.

Shadcn Extension screenshot

An open source component collection , that extend your ui library , built using shadcn component

default image

Free Landing page template using Shadcn, React, Typescript and Tailwind

Shadcn Phone Input screenshot

Customizable phone input component with proper validation for any country. Built on top of shadcn.

Shadcn Table screenshot

A shadcn table component with server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination.

Shadcn Tag Input screenshot

A tag input component built with Shadcn UI

Shadcn Ui Customizer screenshot

POC - shadcn/ui themes with color pickers