Tailwind styled-components

W3T Stablo Blog screenshot

Stablo is a minimal blog website template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity CMS

Next.js screenshot

The React Framework

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SaaS Boilerplate - Open Source and free SaaS stack that lets you build SaaS products faster in React, Django and AWS. Focus on essential business logic instead of coding repeatable features!

Orbit screenshot



React components of open-source Orbit design system by Kiwi.com

React Portfolio Template screenshot

Modern React Portfolio Template (FREE)

Slash Admin screenshot

A modern react admin. It is based on react 18, vite and TypeScript. It's fast !

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Create Tailwind CSS React components like styled components with class names on multiple lines and conditional class rendering

Nextjs Woocommerce screenshot

🔥 Next.js (React) headless eCommerce site with Typescript, WordPress (WooCommerce) backend and Algolia search

Tina.io screenshot

Organization site for general info, documentation, blogs & contribution guidelines.

Template Nextjs Personal Website screenshot

A Next.js Personal Website with a Native Authoring Experience

Mirsazzathossain.me screenshot

This is the ✨ source code for my personal website, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Contentlayer, and 🚀 deployed on Vercel 🔼. You can use this repository as a template to build your own personal website. 😊

React Tailwindcss Portfolio screenshot

A simple React app that uses Context API, custom Hooks, Tailwind CSS & Framer Motion.

Commercelayer Sanity Template screenshot

A multi-country ecommerce template built with Commerce Layer, Next.js, Sanity studio, and deployed to Netlify.

Sanity Remix Template screenshot

Sanity Studio v3 embedded into a Remix Vite application configured for Vercel hosting with visual editing

Fflow screenshot



fflow is an easy-to-use open-source tool for all developers to create their React application.

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Our next.js boilerplate with sane base configuration.

Sanity Template Nextjs Clean screenshot

A clean Next.js template with a native authoring experience

Starter.dev screenshot

A collection of kits to help bootstrap your next project.

Blog Template Using Nextjs Typescript Tailwindcss screenshot

This project is a simple blog template using next js, typescript and tailwind css. blog+nextjs+tailwind+typescript.

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A <1kB library for styling React components as if with CSS-in-JS, without CSS-in-JS

Nextjs Sanity Template screenshot

Starter Sanity + Next.js

Solid Nextjs screenshot

Solid is a free Next.js template specifically crafted for startups, SaaS, and software websites.

Chessguessr screenshot

Guess the continuation of a chess game

Gatsby Starter Portfolio screenshot

Gatsby.js Starters by LekoArts. Primarily aimed at Designers & Photographers. Minimalistic & fast websites!

Rowfish screenshot

A better docusaurus theme and a fullstack development learn site

Gatsby Markdown Typescript Personal Website screenshot

Gatsby Personal/Resume Website

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GSSoC'23 Official Website

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An advanced starter project for interacting with Ethereum on the Internet Computer (Beta)

Builderz Solana Dapp Scaffold screenshot

Builderz Solana dApp Scaffold (Nextjs14, App Dir, Typescript, TailwindCSS, MaterialUI, web3.js, ThemeSwitch (Dark/Light), Sonner Toast Notifications, Modal & Drawer)

Portfolio Blog screenshot

This is a Next.js personal portfolio/blog site where a site owner can showcase their work and experiences.