Tailwind svelte

Critical Moments SvelteKit SaasStarter screenshot

A modern SaaS template built in SvelteKit. Includes marketing page, blog, subscriptions, auth, user settings, pricing pa...

Aichatbestie screenshot

Enhanced UI for ChatGPT API

Anime Captcha screenshot

Just a Normal Captcha, you are not a robot? Then pass this Captcha!

Animotion screenshot

🪄 Create beautiful presentations with Svelte

Astro Ink screenshot

Crisp, minimal, personal blog theme for Astro

Astro Shopify screenshot

A lightweight and powerful ecommerce starter theme to build headless Shopify storefronts with Astro.

Ato Ui screenshot

Ato Ui


The elemental UI component library for Svelte, built with UnoCSS and Melt UI.

Bits Ui screenshot

The headless components for Svelte.

Boring Stack screenshot

The Reliable Full-Stack JavaScript Stack: Ship products with battle-tested technologies. Say no to chasing JavaScript tr...

Chat Ui screenshot

Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app

ClassQuiz screenshot

ClassQuiz is a quiz-application like Kahoot!, but open-source.

Coracle screenshot

A Nostr client that makes relays a first-class concept

Cowsay Svelte screenshot

A cowsay GUI built with Svelte, TailwindCSS and HTML Canvas

Daisy Components screenshot

🌸 Amazing DaisyUI components you can copy and paste

Daisy Components screenshot

Amazing DaisyUI components you can copy and paste

Demo Todo With Svelte screenshot

A basic demo example for integrating between Appwrite & Svelte🧡

Discover Twitter Spaces screenshot

Discover Twitter Spaces is a tool that helps you find Twitter Spaces. We use data from Twitter to find the Twitter Space...

Drab screenshot



Headless custom element library

ECourse screenshot

A self-hosted SPA to simplify course creation and management

EddieHubCommunity.github.io screenshot

Information about our community

Editable Website screenshot

A SvelteKit template for building CMS-free editable websites

Enceladus 1 screenshot

A project built to show off the SvelteKit + Supabase stack by building a DallE wrapper

Endigo Design screenshot

The portfolio of Chris Simmons

ESP32 Sveltekit screenshot

A simple and extensible framework for ESP32 based IoT projects with a feature-rich, beautiful, and responsive front-end ...

Flowbite Svelte screenshot

Official Svelte components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS

Flowbite Svelte Admin Dashboard screenshot

Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Flowbite, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS

Flowbite Svelte Blocks screenshot

Flowbite-Svelte-Blocks components

Flowbite Svelte Icons screenshot

Official library for the free and open-source collection of over 430+ SVG icons for Flowbite and Svelte

Flowbite Svelte Starter screenshot

Flowbite-Svelte starter

Formsnap screenshot

Functional, accessible, and powerful form components for Svelte. 🫰

Franken Ui screenshot

Franken UI is an HTML-first, open-source library of UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS with UIkit 3 c...

Freespeech screenshot

A free program designed to help the non-verbal.

GeoBingo.io screenshot

a multiplayer street view bingo game

Good First Issue Finder screenshot

Issue-Crawler for GitHub based on Sveltekit

Gradio screenshot



Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work!

Grimoire screenshot

Bookmark manager for the wizards 🧙

Hakuba screenshot



A fast blog starter that reads data off GitHub Discussions.

default image

A web frontend for the headscale Tailscale-compatible coordination server

Hue.tools screenshot

Simple toolbox for working with colors. Color mixing, blending, conversion, modification, detailed information, etc.

Json Bucket screenshot

Effortlessly store your JSON data and seamlessly access it anywhere through generated API routes.

Kener screenshot



Kener is a Modern Self hosted Status Page, batteries included

KianKit screenshot

SvelteKit + Supabase starter kit

Kickstart screenshot

Ruby on Rails application templates

Kit Docs screenshot

Unofficial documentation for SvelteKit

Konsta screenshot



Mobile UI components made with Tailwind CSS

Lluminous screenshot

A fast, light, open chat UI with full tool use support across many models

Melt Ui screenshot

A set of headless, accessible component builders for Svelte.

Modern Saas screenshot

Source code for Modern SaaS Apps with SvelteKit, Stripe, & Supabase

Monorepo screenshot

Turborepo + Sveltekit + PNPM + Tailwind + Histoire

Neno screenshot



使用svelte+tailwindcss 仿照 浮墨 写的pwa应用

Notus Svelte screenshot

Notus Svelte: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin

Novel Svelte screenshot

Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.

Nuzlocke.app screenshot

Nuzlocke Tracker - For all Pokémon games and Rom Hacks to record, track, advise on encounters, and provide boss battles ...

P5 Svelte screenshot

Easily add p5 sketches to a Svelte project 🍛 🌱

Paimon Moe screenshot

Your best Genshin Impact companion! Help you plan what to farm with ascension calculator and database. Also track your p...

Pingcrm Svelte screenshot

🦊 Ping CRM Svelte - A demo app to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Laravel and Svelte (hosted on a heroku free dyno...

Pixel Art Together screenshot

Pixel Art Together is a multiplayer pixel art editor powered by Liveblocks.

Pocketbase Sveltekit Auth screenshot

Sample SvelteKit app with PocketBase integration

Postowl screenshot

Create a personal website for your blog, journal and sending letters to friends.

Primo screenshot



Primo is a visual CMS with a built-in code editor, Svelte blocks, and static site generator.

Primo screenshot



Primo is a visual CMS with a built-in code editor, Svelte blocks, and static site generator.

Radix Svelte screenshot

A port of Radix UI for Svelte

Rayriffy H screenshot

The missing piece of nhentai (Now powered by Bun)