Tailwind vitepress

Flowbite Vue screenshot

Official Vue 3 components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS

Frontends screenshot

Shopware Frontends is a framework for building custom, headless storefronts with Shopware 6.

Nest Vue screenshot

Nx monorepo starter: dockerized NestJS backend, Vue frontend, and NGINX; data via Prisma / TypeORM + GraphQL; Jest + Cyp...

Pages Cms screenshot

A user-friendly CMS for static site generators.

Self Hosted App Starter screenshot

đŸȘ„ A starter for the self-hosted app, help you to build your next full-stack project. https://sha-starter.onrender.com

Stepin Template screenshot

an admin template built with antdv、tailwindcss、vue and vite

Tailv screenshot



A Vue.js and Tailwind CSS-based UI component library for quickly building modern web applications.

Ui Component screenshot

Morpheme UI - Free and Open-source Vue 3 Component Library based on Morpheme Design System

default image

A lightweight, flexible & customizable UI library for Vue 3, styled with Tailwind CSS.