Tailwind vue

Mosaic screenshot

The All-in-one Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template. The all-in-one admin dashboard template for creating stunning and ...

Cruip Bundle - 22 Tailwind Templates screenshot

22 beautiful Tailwind CSS templates available for Nextjs, React, Vue & HTML. An amazing collection of work at an very co...

Larafast - Laravel SaaS Boilerplate screenshot

The Laravel SaaS Boilerplate powered with Jetstream, Tailwind, Inertia.js and Vue with ready-to-go components for Paymen...

Nuxt UI Pro screenshot

Nuxt UI Pro is a collection of Vue components, composables and utils built on top of Nuxt UI, oriented on structure and ...

Supastarter - Nuxt + Prisma SaaS boilerplate screenshot

A premium SaaS fullstack starter for Nuxt, lucia-auth, Prisma, trpc, nuxt/i18n, multiple payment integrations (lemonsque...

Launchstack screenshot

A fullstack SaaS application boilerplate built with Laravel, Vue and Tailwind CSS. This SaaS app provides a complete web...

Headless UI screenshot

Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.

Simple screenshot

A clean and simple website template for displaying any app or idea.

Neon screenshot



Shine a spotlight on your next startup idea with this elegant landing page template.

Open PRO screenshot

A dark SaaS website template to show off your startup or software. Built with Tailwind and available in Nextjs, React, V...

Tidy screenshot



A dark & white website template designed for showcasing mobile apps.

Creative screenshot

The perfect landing page template for launching communities and creative sites.

Community screenshot

A beautiful forum template fit for any community and tech news portal.

Tidy screenshot



An elegant website template to show off your company's corporate side.

FinTech screenshot

A stylish landing page perfect for showcasing modern apps and services.

Podcast screenshot

A fabulous podcast website template for hosting and sharing your shows.

Cube screenshot



A fabulous landing page template for quickly iterating on ideas, startups and software.

Docs screenshot



Create comprehensive product docs with this handy documentation template.

DevSpace screenshot

A gorgeous personal blog template to share your thoughts and ideas.

JobBoard screenshot

A modern and clean job board template built with Tailwind. Available in Nextjs, React, Vue & HTML versions.

Talent screenshot

A stunning website template suitable for SaaS apps, recruiting networks, and more.

Tailkit Component Library screenshot

400+ fully responsive Application UI, Marketing and Ecommerce UI Components for your Tailwind CSS based projects with ov...

AatroX Vue screenshot

💚 A Free Vuejs 3 Minimal Admin Dashboard Develop with Vuejs 3, Vite, and TailwindCss. It's Free and Open Source 💥

Admin One Vue Tailwind screenshot

Free Vue.js 3.x Tailwind 3.x admin dashboard template with dark mode. Vite builds. Pinia state. Laravel integration avai...

Admin Panel screenshot

Admin Panel created with VueJS + Vite + Tailwind

Agency Os screenshot

The open source operating system for digital agencies. Built with Directus and Nuxt.

Agency Os screenshot

The open source operating system for digital agencies. Built with Directus and Nuxt.

Amis Admin screenshot

laravel + amis 后台管理系统,完整支持amis全部功能

Avian Template screenshot

Chat app template made with Vue 3 & Tailwind css.

Awes Io screenshot

Awes.io // boilerplate based on Vue, Nuxt, TailwindCSS plus Laravel as a backend. 🤟

Awesome Vue Boilerplate screenshot

😍 Awesome Vue Boilerplate 🥳 Vue 🥰 Vuex, vuex-pathify 🤗 element-ui 🤲 tailwindcss

Batu Gunting Kertas Nuxt screenshot

Rock Paper Scissors Game with Artificial Intellegence

Blender screenshot

The Laravel template used for our CMS like projects

Boot Vue screenshot

Boot Vue is a lightning fast Vue 3 boilerplate with strongly typed TypeScript, UnoCSS, DaisyUI, Vue Router, Pinia, and N...

Boot Vue screenshot

Boot Vue is a lightning fast Vue 3 boilerplate with strongly typed TypeScript, UnoCSS, DaisyUI, Vue Router, Pinia, and N...

Boring Stack screenshot

The Reliable Full-Stack JavaScript Stack: Ship products with battle-tested technologies. Say no to chasing JavaScript tr...

ChatGPT Nuxt screenshot

ChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 Version

default image

用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页

Chatgpt Web screenshot

A third-party ChatGPT Web UI page built with Express and Vue3, through the official OpenAI completion API. / 用 Express 和...

Chatwoot screenshot

Open-source live-chat, email support, omni-channel desk. An alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud e...

Cleaver screenshot

🔥🔪 A blazing-fast static site generator using Laravel's Blade templating engine

Cms screenshot



The core Laravel CMS Composer package

Craft Cms screenshot

Boilerplate with Craft CMS, Tailwind CSS, VueJS & Alpine.js used for internal projects.

Cvfy screenshot



CV generator built with Nuxt.js, TailwindCSS, deployed on Netlify.

Dashboard.spatie.be screenshot

The source code of dashboard.spatie.be

Discord Clone Old screenshot

Clone Discord App with Nuxt.js and Tailwindcss. new update at https://github.com/sokhuong-uon/discord-clone

Docc screenshot



A starter documentation theme for Gridsome. Featuring instant search, great navigation and a dark mode!

Docking screenshot

DocKing: Your shared-microservice that takes over the document templates management & render/export PDF

Docuseal screenshot

Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents ✍️

Dogpatch screenshot

A WordPress starter theme including Webpack (via Laravel Mix), Vue, Babel and Tailwind CSS.

default image

🐬 Dolphin Admin Vue is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend ma...

Dolphin Admin Vue screenshot

🐬 Dolphin Admin Vue is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend ma...

default image

🐬 Dolphin Admin Vue is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend ma...

Empathy screenshot

:heart: Lightweight admin dashboard build with Tailwindcss, PurgeCSS, Vuejs, Fontawesome 5.

Fiber Boilerplate screenshot

This is the go boilerplate on the top of fiber web framework. With simple setup you can use many features out of the box

Fiction screenshot

AI Marketing Platform. Create personal websites, blogs, and newsletters with the speed and power of AI.

Finapp screenshot



Open source personal finance application

Flowbite Vue screenshot

Official Vue 3 components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS

Frontends screenshot

Shopware Frontends is a framework for building custom, headless storefronts with Shopware 6.

Fundamenty screenshot

Eleventy starter project. Uses Tailwind, Algolia, Webpack. Supports multi-language

GoodManWEN.github.io screenshot

📕 A website simulating linux system's GUI, using theme of Deepin distro. 网页模拟桌面

Gray screenshot



A monotone black and white landing page template built with Tailwind. Available in Nextjs, React, Vue & HTML versions.

Gridea screenshot



✍️ A static blog writing client (一个静态博客写作客户端)

Gridsome Portfolio Starter screenshot

A simple portfolio theme for Gridsome powered by Tailwind CSS v1